Sunday 3 June 2012

A shock to my system.

Let's keep it brief today and give you some updates this week.

Diablo 3 has been great; I love killing the butcher. I hate that it's the best way to get gear and it harks back to what killed WoW for me; repetition for the sake of repetition. It was a bit of a shock to realise that I'd been lulled back into the gear farming trap that absorbed so much of first year uni.

How important is progression and success? Full completion is a pinnacle I'd love to climb and if more skill was the deciding factor involved I'd dedicate myself to it; but when the currency being traded on is time I know I have better things to do.

Keeping up with my friends in it is important; it's the only reason I go back each time but I can't wait till we start hardcore and feel some real tension.

So this week I'm making a project of Thuaners' recommendation and attempting System Shock 2. I pray that my over powered computer can run this 13 year old game for it's an experience I look forward to. I also have a hitlist of other games to reassess; if you're out there reading this and have an opinion can you tell me which I should look into?

Three different games from three different genres shall I name; each deserves its own spotlight on here but will have to wait its turn. Remember we're really trying to see if these stand up to 2012s harsh gaze and expectations.

Riddle me this: should I try playing Hitman (the one that was the best of three already released, I'm not sure which one that is) seeing as it's threequel is due out soon? Should I immerse myself in the kooky Psychonauts from start to finish? Or should I go back to my childhood and replay Tiberian Sun of Command and Conquer fame (they were pretty good cutscenes!)?

Let me know; because I know I'll just waste my time in Diablo 3 otherwise.


  1. I'd say play Psychonauts because I'm playing that too currently (or will be back playing once uni is over), though I haven't got that far. It has great platforming gameplay and some of the best laugh out loud humour I've found with any game in a while (only Portal and Portal 2 have been at this level in recent years). C&C Tiberian Sun would be the other option, apart of one of best strategy series out there (with only C&C 4 being horrible).

    1. I started Psychonauts like 3-4 years ago and remember it fondly but much like yourself I don't think I got very far; I certainly wasn't completely drawn in like I'd expect to be with a Double Fine game. I think this was more a time factor though than any failing on Shafers part.

      Tiberian Sun was the first RTS I played and I recall eagerly looking forward to Firestorm, it's expansion also. I think you're right though, I might play this second.

    2. Also, welcome! Thanks for speaking up :)

  2. awesome, you are playing system shock 2! :D cant wait to read your next posts to hear about your experiences playing it.. i remember it was awesome! it makes me want to install it and play it actually.... :D
    of the 3 games you listed.. i think Psychonauts! Ive heard really good things about it.. apparently its just so unique and amazing.
    thanks for making this blog.. its providing me with great reading in the quiet moments at work :)

    1. I've started Psychonauts as well, it's such a quirky, stylised game that I can understand why it wasn't widely received but still critically acclaimed.

      In regards to the blog I'm really glad you enjoy reading it, because I enjoy writing it. I know I'm overly opinionated about the games I play but putting that aside sharing experiences with what games is what gaming should be about; none of the social crap that goes with getting achievements but campfire talks about scary scenes, awe inspiring graphics, original writing and unexpected twists really brings friends together.

      **Delete and edit for something that sounded very arorgant by accident!!!

    2. *arrogant... another accident >___<
