Tuesday 26 June 2012



I've been mentally scarred by System Shock 2. I attribute the crash of my harddrive to my computer having mercy for my mental state and shuttign down all attempts to play that game.

Thuaners, I'll play it again soon and Log 3 will hopefully be successful.

I've opened up a secondary blog for BMan to feel more comfortable updating regularly. It's 100% League of Legends related and you can find it here at The Bottom Lane.

I bought a PSP Vita on the weekend. I was a proud owned of the original PSP when it came out but had to on-sell it to make rent oh so many years ago.

The Vita is slick and suave. It's really big (read: freaking huge) and I'm in love. The reason why I bought it is because of it's excellent backlog of PSP games for me to play.

I'm investing time into Persona 3 Portable at the moment; there will be a Retreview of this soon.

I'm also still putting time into League of Legends, Diablo 3 and something else I acquired on the weekend, Quantum Conundrum.

It's a game that brings to mind many parallels with Portal and Mike over at Penny Arcade correctly (at least in my opinion) categorises these as adventure games. However this game is very unlike portal; it's cartoonish and light hearted whilst still having an educated mind of its own. As you progress through the game it's hard to keep a smile of pure joy from your face as your brain revels in its own mental prowess.

Sorry for the length of time between drinks, it's been a few tough weeks of work but it's all coming back to normal slowly.

Chat soon!

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