Wednesday 27 June 2012

Looshkin, the manliest Barbarian of all time!

Hello again!

I realise that recently I mentioned that I would be posting vlog entries in this blog, however being the silly person I am, I forgot to record my first adventures back into Diablo we're back to text, my apologies!

When I was younger, none of my friends played games. The only person I knew that played games was my brother, so he was the avenue through which I discovered the majority of games. So when he bought Diablo II (just after the expansion came out), I also wanted to play it. As he was the only one I knew that played it, I never played it with any friends and as such I rarely played online, except for when I was stuck on a particularly hard quest which required more man-power, or I was bored playing by myself and wanted to help out people with quests I'd already done. However I still enjoyed the game! I believe I completed it once (as a Druid), and got just over half way a couple of other times (as a Necromancer, a Barbarian and a Druid again...what can I say, I like Druids!).

It has been many, many years since I had played D2 and on Monday afternoon I put the idea forward to my boyfriend that we should give it a go, and by that night we were playing. Me as a Barbarian with the manly name Looshkin (inspired by the most hilarious homicidal cat with pointy blue ears of all time), he as a Sorceress named Slutface McFart (or something similarly mature, I can't recall exactly what he named her) and our friend as an Amazon whose name alludes me ... curse my inferior memory! Anywho...we started from the beginning and while everything was so familiar, and everything came back to me quickly, it was also so new. I'd never experienced the Diablo II universe with friends before, and I greatly enjoyed being able to chat to them as we were playing. I found it particularly amusing when we had split up to find locations faster and all of a sudden you'd here someone muttering curses as monsters tried to overpower them, whereas I, at the time, was opening chests, or kicking barrels.

So far we have only completed Act I, but I must say, so far Diablo II is exactly as I remembered it, and more! I am really enjoying being able to share the experience with friends as opposed to me, myself and I.

Until next time I take my dual axe-wielding Barbarian on a wacky adventure with Slutface and that other one, I bid you farewell!


Beck :)

P.S. If you have not read Jamie Smart's 'Bear' - the comic book series Looshkin is in - you should! It is available online in it's entirety so you don't even have to pay to read it, SO NO EXCUSES!


  1. Great post Beck! :D yeah its so fun to play games with friends online, i love it! chatting with them and sharing the experience with them is awesome.
    i was thinking, that would be such a good title for a book or movie.. : "Barbarian, Slutface and the other one."

  2. Good to hear from you Beck. I enjoy playing games with friends the most, mainly co-op but vs is also fun. In my house we play (at sometimes) many different fighters, im probs the worst of us all but I always try to have fun and learn from the experience (not always easy). Games, I feel, are meant to be a shared experience from full multiplayer games to just a good game you can talk about. So I hope you continue to have fun playing D2 again (I always do) and will regale us with more tales.
    Also good that you are starting to write, still waiting to hear more from the Brandon fellow.

    1. It's good to be here UMWATUP :)
      I agree, games are definitely more fun when you can play them with others or just talk about them. I'm glad I have more game inclined friends now :P
