Monday 21 May 2012

Oh hai there!

Hi my name is Beck *waves*. Currently I'm supposed to be writing an essay for uni, but because I'm so good at procrastination I decided this will be a better use of my time :P

 I suppose you could call me a gamer, however I am one of those people who used to excessively play DOS, PS1 and Gameboy games back in the day, and now that I'm an "adult" with "adult responsibilities" I find I have much less time to game (and as a broke uni student much less money as well!)

I'm also quite average at games, possibly due to that aforementioned lack of time, but I find that games are more fun that way! I don't blitz through games quickly and so I have more time to enjoy them. I also get a great sense of euphoria when I beat my friends at SSB Brawl by mainly button mashing. xD

As the token YouTuber on this blog you'll probably see me embed videos every now and then, so be warned!

Anyway I can't think of anything else interesting and/or relevant to write here right now, and I really should get back to my essay...

So until next time,
I'm Beck Dare,

1 comment:

  1. There's nothing worse than trying to perfectly execute an airdash into a forward smash, only to get smashed by a move sequence that doesn't make any sense.

    Button mashers you are my bane.
